Your care starts here!

Northern Cochise Community Hospital (NCCH) is your local source for health care including 24/7 emergency care, inpatient and skilled nursing services, outpatient services, and primary care clinics. NCCH is proud to be a part of TMC Health, Southern Arizona's nonprofit community health system.

Call 911 if you are seriously injured or feel you need emergency care. Emergency responders will help you decide the best course of action.

About us

Bringing trusted health care to the Willcox area

Since Feb. 16, 1968, NCCH has opened its doors to provide medical resources and stability to the residents of Willcox and the surrounding area. Now with over 175 employees, we have expanded our services to meet the growing needs of the community around us, including rural health clinics, specialty clinics, endoscopy, inpatient rehabilitation and many outpatient services. NCCH strives for excellence in all that it does and will continue to ensure that patients have the right to efficient, effective care, courtesy and consideration, and a comfortable and safe environment.

'Grow Your Own' Golf Tournament

Join us Saturday, May 3, at the beautiful Twin Lakes Golf Course for the 28th annual NCCH Golf Tournament to benefit the "Grow Your Own" Scholarship Fund.

Our services

NCCH offers a variety of inpatient and outpatient services to ensure you receive the care you need. Some of our services include: