Medical records

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Medical records at NCCH

At Northern Cochise Community Hospital, our Health Information Management (HIM) team - also called Medical Records - is committed to protecting and maintaining your health records.

Hours & location

Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday, 8 a.m. to noon.

We are closed  New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day

We are located in the East Wing on Arizona Avenue. Normally, there is parking on Arizona Avenue.

Obtaining records

To receive copies of your records you will need to complete an Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information form and provide valid photo identification. If you are requesting records for someone other than yourself you will also need to provide supporting documentation, such as power of attorney or legal guardianship papers.

Authorizacion para Divulgar Informacion de Proteccion de la Salud

Submitting your request

In person

Simply bring your completed form to the HIM Department. We also have forms available if you are unable to print.

By mail

Mail your completed form, copy of your photo ID, and any support documents to:

Northern Cochise Community Hospital
Attn: HIM Dept
901 W. Rex Allen Drive
Willcox, Arizona 85643

By fax

Fax your completed form, copy of your photo ID, and any support documents to:

(520) 384-9212

Please allow 10 business days for completion.


Records for continuing care/follow-up appointments:

  • No charge

For any reason other than continuing care:

  • First 10 pages are provided free as a courtesy. Please contact HIM for fees over the courtesy amount.

Patient portal

You can now access many of your patient records through our patient portal.

In addition to patient records, there are many health-related topics you can explore and study, get health tips, or record and consolidate personal data from your own health device.

To join the patient portal you will need to complete a Patient Portal Opt-in Form or Portal del Paciente Opt-in

Bring your completed form along with a photo ID to the HIM office and we will register you in the system; soon after you will receive an email with login instructions.

Parents and guardians can register as a representative for access to a minor's patient portal. Fill out an Authorized User Access Request form, and bring it along with a photo ID and any necessary support documents to the HIM office. You will remain a representative until the minor reaches the age of 18, at which point the individual can register for patient portal access.

Non-patient requests for records

Physicians, health care providers, insurance representatives, legal requests, etc.

Fax a request to:

(520) 384-9212

Mail request to:

Northern Cochise Community Hospital
Attn: HIM Dept
901 W. Rex Allen Drive
Willcox, Arizona 85643

Turnaround Time

  • In most cases we are able to fill requests within 24 hours.
  • For large requests we ask that you allow 72 hours for completion.
  • If you need records sooner, please indicate "STAT" on your request.

How records are provided

  • In most cases records will be faxed to you.
  • Large requests may need to be mailed.
  • You can request that records be mailed to you if you prefer.
  • We can provide electronic records on a thumb drive.